Here you can find detailed information about the reasons for, the process and possible consequences of the Find-AF 2 study.
Information for medical staff
Flowchart of the study

Inclusion criteria
1. Recent symptomatic ischaemic stroke of any aetiology (sudden focal neurological deficit lasting >24 hours and consistent with the area of a cerebral artery) and/or a corresponding lesion on brain imaging* within the last 30 days.
*A corresponding lesion may be, for example, an acute lesion on DWI of MRI, native CT, CT-perfusion (CTP) or evidence of fresh occlusion or intravascular thrombus on angiography (CTA, MRA, DSA).
- Age ≥ 60 years
- Patient with no or only minor disability (modified Rankin scale score ≤ 2) before onset of stroke symptoms.
- Written consent to participate in the study.
Exclusion criteria
- Atrial fibrillation/flutter - known or evidence of in admission ECG.
- Indication or contraindication for oral anticoagulation at the time of randomisation
- History of intracerebral haemorrhage
- Planned ECG monitoring > 7 days (Holter ECG, loop recorder, etc.)
- Implanted pacemaker, defibrillator or loop recorder
- Unwillingness to take oral anticoagulants when indicated
- Ipsilateral stenosis of the carotid artery at the time of the stroke, requiring surgery or intervention
- Condition following carotid endarterectomy or percutaneous stenting of a cervical or cerebral artery within the last 30 days
- Life expectancy < 1 year for reasons other than stroke
- Patients under legal supervision or guardianship
- Incapacity to give consent
- Participation in other randomised interventional trials
- Suspected lack of compliance
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